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10,000 Words

Updated: Mar 7, 2023

A few mornings ago, our youngest and I spent a good hour or so looking over photos from our ten months on the road. We had so many, “Remember that!?” moments, and I could actually feel myself time travelling to the places we’d been. Seeing the photos brought back the smells, the feel of the wind, the strength of the sunlight, and the visceral experiences of the day. So this is a post of few words. Here are some photos from the early months of our travels.

Badlands, South Dakota

Rope Ladder, Badlands

Salt Creek Campground, WA

Beach Number One, La Push, WA (with giant, washed up redwood)

Beach Number One, La Push, WA

Battered Grass Roots and Sand Sculpture, Oregon

Getting Ready to Ride the Dunes in Oregon

South Jetty Thousand Trails, Florence, OR

Cave in the Wall, Pacific Coast, near Whaler’s Rest RV Park



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