Holding Space Retreats

Holding Space Retreats are a time to reconnect, recommit to that which you hold dear, renew and feel part of a community.

Inquire about upcoming retreat options below.
​Men's Retreats
Are you seeking to live a more connected life? Many men feel alone, isolated, and without people they can openly talk to. This reality impacts the mental and physical health of men, which in turn impacts the well being of those close to them.
We are not meant to do life alone, toughing it out all by ourselves.
Our men's retreats are designed to support male-identified folks in connecting with each other, living more open-hearted lives, and breaking free from isolation and loneliness.
What are participants saying about our Retreats?
"The retreat held space to male identified people to share deeply and find friends. In this era where more and more men find themselves isolated and alone, this retreat helped bring us more into connection."
Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter, Senior Minister of First Unitarian Church of Dallas